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4. Fit it all together - page 4 of 5

Processors and ram have only one way to fit, if they fit in a socket then there are pins missing on corners to give you correct orientation and if they fit in slots then there is an offset cutout so it will only go one way round.

Ram fits in a slot these days and has offset cutouts to prevent wrongful fitting.

With the processor and ram in it is time for the heatsink and fan. With almost all modern processors a good contact is imperative for proper cooling and most heatsinks come with compound already attached. All you need to do is to peel off the covering. Try to ensure you put the heatsink on first time correctly as when you put it on top of the processor it imprints the processor head into the compound, If you need to take the heatsink of then you should remove all the compound from the heatsink and the processor and then apply some new heat conducting compound that you can buy in a tube. Most heatsinks have a step cut in one edge and this is the edge that goes over the wide bit of white socket visible in the picture below

Now the baseboard will go back and you can attach the power supply.

ATX will not fit the wrong way round (if you are still using AT power then the Black wires go in the centre).

With the mainboard back in the case then you can fit the speaker connection shown attatched below

and the atx soft power connection if your system is ATX (not required for AT systems) on the pins marked Power SW above. If you have difficulty getting the right location you should find it detailed clearly in your motherboard manual.

Before your first test make sure the CMOS jumper is set to normal rather than reset. Most mainboards come with it set to normal but some come shipped with it set at reset. If it is at reset the board will not come on. The location of this jumper will be listed in you manual.

You are now ready to give the system it's first test. Ensure you have power plugged in and press the on button. You should here a series of beeps. don't worry about how many beeps or whether they are long or short, just as long as you get beeps you are OK.

Next fit the video card. First remove the backing plate

Then insert the video card and screw it down

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