7. Can I share my one printer between the
computers on my network and if so how should I do it?
To share printers the first thing to do is
to ensure that file (and printer sharing) is enabled which
is explained as part of this page.
Next you will need to share the printer on the computer to
which the printer is physically attatched. Open the printers
folder (Start-Settings-Printers) and then right-click on the
printer you want to share. From the popup menu choose sharing
and click the shared as radio button and fill the name box.
Choosing OK will share the printer across the network.
Finally you can add the printer to the printers
folder on the computer that wants to use the shared printer.
Go to the printers folder on this computer and double click
the add printer wizard. Follow the wizard choosing network
printer on the second page and choosing the Browse button
on the third page to go to the computer on the network to
which the printer is physically attatched. Completing the
wizard will load all the relevant files (assuming both computers
are using the same version of windows). and the printer will
then be available for use on both computers provided the computer
to which it is physically attatched is turned on and running