Help Pages
3. I am about to buy a new AGP video card.
Will it work correctly on my sytem
The first thing that you will need to confirm is that
you have an AGP slot on your mainboard. Check our Motherboard
help Q1 which should help you to confirm it
Once you have confirmed that you have a slot
you need to know both the AGP version number and the AGP transfer
rate of your AGP slot. You can confirm details of this by
reading Question 2
Finally you will need to confirm the requirements
of the Video Card you are going to buy. Best place is the
manufacturers web site which should be listed in our drivers/
support section.
It is important to note that some cards will
specify that they require a specific AGP version such as AGP
2.0 wheras others will only specify the transfer rate. Please
make sure that you meet these specifications since otherwise
your card is unlikely to run correctly.
For example if your card states that it requires
AGP 2.0 and transfer rate of 2x/4x then you are likely to
find that a mainboard that has a specification of AGP2.0 and
1x/2x transfer rate will work OK though it will only work
at 2x transfer rate but a mainboard that is AGP1.0 1x/2x will
not work. Obviously the ideal would be AGP2.0 (or above) and
2x/4x transfer rate since this would give full performance.